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ReNative has the ability to deploy your website made with rnv to AWS.

The files are uploaded to AWS from platformBuilds/xxxxx_web/public folder.


rnv deploy -p web -t aws

Fallback via Build Hooks

You can still use automated deploy via build hooks

create file ./buildHooks/src/webDeployAWS.js

import { Exec, Common } from 'rnv';

const webDeploy = async (c) => {
const { platform, program, process } = c;
const bucketName = Common.getConfigProp(c, platform, 's3bucket');
const region = Common.getConfigProp(c, platform, 's3region', 'eu-west-1');
const version = Common.getConfigProp(c, c.platform, 'version', c.files.project.package.version);
const { scheme } = program;
const folderName = `${c.runtime.appId}-${scheme}-v${version}`;
const binaryPath = path.join(Common.getAppFolder(c, c.platform), 'public');

const asyncParams = {
env: process.env,
shell: true,
stdio: 'inherit',
silent: true,

const params = `aws s3 cp ${binaryPath} s3://${bucketName}/${folderName} --recursive --acl public-read --region ${region}`;

const s3 =[bucketName];

if (s3) {
process.env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = s3.aws_access_key_id;
process.env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = s3.aws_secret_access_key;
} else {
`You don't have credentials located in ${c.paths.workspace.configPrivate} for bucket ${bucketName}`

await Exec.executeAsync(c, params, asyncParams);

export default webDeploy;

update file ./buildHooks/src/index.js

import webDeployAWS from './webDeployAWS';

const hooks = {

const pipes = {
'deploy:after': [

export { pipes, hooks };

Configure your ./appConfigs/[APP_ID]/renative.json:

"platforms": {
"web": {
"buildSchemes": {
"release": {
"environment": "production",
"s3region": "eu-central-1",
"s3bucket": "name-of-the-s3-bucket"

run deploy command:

rnv deploy -p web -s release